Polytechnic Institute Australia > About PIA

Polytechnic Institute Australia (PIA) is an Institute of Higher Education accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality Agency (TEQSA), (Provider Number PRV14049) in, Australia. PIA is also a registered to offer courses to overseas students as a registered provider through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) (CRICOS code 03535M).

PIA is located in the centre of Sydney, that strives to provide a creative, supportive and safe culture to assist both domestic and international students in realising their full career potential as professionals. PIA is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, where studies can undertake undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Currently PIA offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the following broad fields of study:

  • Business
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Networking and Telecommunication 

Our vision is to create graduates who go on to transform their lives and the lives of others.

To achieve our Vision, PIA will:

  • shore up our financial viability post-COVID
  • ensure the delivery of quality teaching and learning
  • support our students and staff to provide them the greatest chance of success
  • protect the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff
  • enhance operations and governance to reflect the changing size, maturity, and diversity of PIA
  • actively pursue collaborative relationships with other institutions of higher learning nationally and internationally for the benefit of its students

Exit and Career Outcomes

Strategic Priority 1

Grow enrolments

Strategic Priority 2

Optimise the student experience

Strategic Priority 3

Further enhance academic and administrative quality

Strategic Priority 4

Further improve all HEP performance measures

Strategic Priority 5

Promote a positive organisational culture

Statement of Financial Standing

Provider details

Provider Name: Polytechnic Institute Australia Pty Ltd

ABN: 34 145 333 795

Date of Statement of Financial Standing: 3 December 2021

Directors’ declaration

The Polytechnic Institute Australia Pty Ltd Board of Directors has considered the company’s financial position and is of the opinion that:

The directors of the company declare that:

  1. The financial statements and notes for the year ended 30 June 2021 are in accordance with

the Corporations Act 2001 and:

  1. comply with Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and
  2. give a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the company.
  3. In the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors


Professor John Tarrant

Mr Michael Abraham

Date that the directors’ declaration was made 3 December 2021

Auditor’s opinion:

Auditor: Morton Watson & Young Audit Pty Ltd

Date of audit opinion: 06 December 2021

We have audited the financial report of Polytechnic Institute Australia Pty Ltd, (the company) which comprises the Income Statement for the year ended 30 June 2021, Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2021, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and the directors’ declaration.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial report of the company is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:

  1. giving a true and fair view of the company’s financial position as at 30 June 2021 and of its financial performance for the year ended; and
  2. complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of the company in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the code) that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the code.

We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Corporations Act 2001, which has been given to the directors of the company, would be in the same terms if given to the directors as at the time of this auditors’ report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Tuition Assurance Arrangement details

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government that assists students whose education provider is unable to deliver fully a course of study. PIA is registered member of the TPS and has current coverage.

In the unlikely event that PIA is unable to deliver a course that an international student has paid for and unable either to offer an alternative course acceptable to the student or to refund the student’s unspent prepaid tuition fees, the TPS will assist students to find an alternative course or to obtain a refund of their unspent tuition fees if no suitable alternative can be found.

Domestic up-front fee-paying students are also eligible for tuition protection assistance under the TPS if the course has not commenced, or ceases after commencement but before completion, and the student has not previously withdrawn.

For more information go to: Tuition Protection Service (TPS) 

Head Office

Level 16, 233 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Sydney Location

Level 16, 233 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Polytechnic Institute Australia is located in the heart of the Sydney business district, near Town Hall, the Downing Centre Station and the George Street bus routes, and a few minutes from Central Railway Station and Chinatown.

Many tourist attractions including Darling Harbour, Haymarket, Star City, and the QVB are within easy walking distance.

Melbourne Campus

West Melbourne
363 King Street West Melbourne
Victoria 3003

PIA West Melbourne Campus is located in the heart of Melbourne CBD a stone throw away from Flagstaff Gardens and the Queen Victoria Market at 363 King Street West Melbourne. Accessibility can be via Flagstaff Gardens train station and Latrobe Street Tram routes. With access to some of the popular eating places nearby and the Melbourne Central a quick tram ride away.

Geelong Location

Level 1, West, 237 Ryrie Street,
Geelong Victoria 3220

Geelong is Victoria second largest city; its population is around 250,000 people. Geelong is known for its rich culture, history and heritage. Home to the Geelong Football team and Kardinia Park where students can experience the AFL football firsthand. As a gateway to the some of Victoria most beautiful coastal towns Geelong has a variety of experience to offer.

PIA Geelong campus is located a stone throw away from Geelong business district, near Geelong Station and is accessible by train and bus.

PIA’s facilities include:

  • the latest audio-visual equipment, and computer and networking labs utilising the latest technologies
  • fast WiFi and internet access
  • student common room
  • tea room, microwave, refrigerator and hot water
  • Access to a virtual library for all students to use.

Polytechnic Institute Australia (PIA) is an Institute of Higher Education accredited by the Tertiary Education Quality Agency (TEQSA), (Provider Number PRV14049) in, Australia. PIA is also a registered to offer courses to overseas students as a registered provider through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) (CRICOS code 03535M).

Polytechnic Institute Australia’s undergraduates and postgraduate degrees are of the highest standards and are designed to be accredited by the relevant professional bodies, including CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand. Polytechnic Institute Australia is also an Australian Computer Society Professional Partner.


As a registered Institute of Higher Education; PIA (PRV14049) offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the fields of Business, Accounting, Marketing, Networking, and Telecommunication. PIA degrees are individually registered for delivery to international students under the institute’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS Code: 03535M) and are recognized as being at the same level in terms of similar courses offered by Australian universities that meet the requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).


Polytechnic Institute Australia’s Bachelor of Business (Accounting) is an accredited program under CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand.

The Bachelor of Business (Accounting) is accredited by CPA Australia (CPA) and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ).

All PIA graduates of the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) are eligible to apply for membership with either CPA and/or CAANZ.

Students undertaking the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) online during the COVID remote delivery offering are required to complete examinations in person and on campus for some subjects.

Professional membership may require an application to the professional body and may have additional or ongoing requirements beyond the completion of the degree. Please contact the relevant professional body for further details.

CPA Australia

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand 

Governance and Leadership

Polytechnic Institute Australia (PIA) strives to achieve the highest levels of leadership and corporate governance. PIA’s Board of Directors and Academic Board and Executive consist of internationally recognised academics and industry professionals working together to ensure that PIA’s corporate and academic governance maintains the highest international standards.

Polytechnic Institute Australia (PIA) endeavours to accomplish the highest levels of academic leadership and corporate governance. PIA’s Board of Directors and Academic Board and Executive is committed to working together to maintain high quality standards.

Board of Directors

Polytechnic Institute Australia is an Australian Proprietary Company, Limited by Shares formed under the Corporations Act 2001 with a Board of Directors that includes a majority of external members. The independence of the Board of Directors provides a mechanism to separate the ownership and governance of the Company from the management of PIA day-to-day operations. The Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic planning to ensure that PIA continues to meet its regulatory and community obligations and responsibilities.

Professor John Tarrant (Chair)

Professor Tarrant is a part-time Professor at the Law School of the University of Western Australia.
Professor Tarrant’s tertiary qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Laws with Honours, Master of Laws, Master of Defence Studies, Doctor of Juridical Science, and a Doctor of Philosophy. He also has a certificate in Law Teaching and diplomas in Taxation, Finance and Adult Education. Prior to joining UWA, he worked in the mining and petroleum industries as a company director with an emphasis on developing junior mining companies.
Professor Tarrant is a Barrister of the High Court of Australia and has been admitted as a legal practitioner in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, and New Zealand.

Mr Michael Abraham

Professor Tarrant is a part-time Professor at the Law School of the University of Western Australia.
Professor Tarrant’s tertiary qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Laws with Honours, Master of Laws, Master of Defence Studies, Doctor of Juridical Science, and a Doctor of Philosophy. He also has a certificate in Law Teaching and diplomas in Taxation, Finance and Adult Education. Prior to joining UWA, he worked in the mining and petroleum industries as a company director with an emphasis on developing junior mining companies.
Professor Tarrant is a Barrister of the High Court of Australia and has been admitted as a legal practitioner in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, and New Zealand.

Mr Jeff Egan

Mr Egan is a Director of the public relations firm Flagship Communications Pty Ltd. Prior to establishing Flagship Communications in 2003, Mr Egan worked as a Ministerial Adviser in the Howard Government and a teacher in the Catholic Education system. He has more than 19 years’ experience in stakeholder engagement, government relations, community consultation, issues management and media management.
Mr Egan holds numerous qualifications in communications and education, including a Master of Arts degree in Organisational Communication, a Bachelor of Education, a Graduate Diploma in Communication, a Graduate Certificate of Public Relations and a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and member of the Public Relations Institute of Australia (NSW Division).

Mrs Khushboo Bagga

Khushboo is an external member of the Board of Directors with expertise in education, holding a Bachelor of Education, a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Science.

Professor James Barber AM

Professor Barber holds a First Class Honours degree from Flinders University, a PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Adelaide and a Doctor of the University (honoris causa) from Flinders University. In 2015, he retired as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of New England, Australia in order to pursue his interests in educational start-ups. Prior to serving as Vice-Chancellor at the University of New England, Professor Barber was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at RMIT University in Melbourne, and served three terms as Head of Department at Flinders University before taking up the position of Dean at the University of Toronto in Canada. He is the author of more than 150 refereed journal articles and 6 books, and the winner of North America’s highest literary award for evidence-based practice, the Pro-Humanitate Medal, for his research into child welfare. He is a former winner of the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at Flinders University and his contribution to higher education was formally recognised in a motion by the New South Wales Parliament in 2014. More recently in June 2021 Professor James Barber AM was appointed as a member of the Order of Australia, for his significant service to tertiary education administration, and to youth.

Academic Board

The Board of Directors delegates responsibility for academic policymaking, academic administration and oversight of the educational process pertaining to the operation of higher education courses to the Academic Board. The Academic Board is made up of a majority of external members and staff, with students as invitee to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate in academic governance.

Emeritus Professor Peter Flood (Chair)

Professor Flood is a distinguished Australian academic with five decades of activities as a scientist, geologist, and higher education administrator. He has First Class Honours and a Master of Science from the University of New England, and A PhD from the University of Queensland. In addition, he holds a Diploma from Harvard University in Educational Management.
He is an Emeritus Professor at the University of New England and he has served as Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney. He has held previous appointments at the University of Hong Kong and the University of Miami. He lectured at the University of Queensland (1972-1979), the University of New England (1980-2009), and the University of Sydney (2013-2014).

Associate Professor Elaine Evans

Elaine is a Higher Education Consultant with over 30 years’ experience in the sector. She is both a FCPA and a CA. Currently Elaine is a member of academic boards of Higher Education Private Providers (HEPPs) and is an external reviewer of curricula for accounting specialisations in undergraduate degrees. In addition, she chairs Course Advisory and Review Committees. She has held academic positions at Macquarie University, UWS (now WSU), ANU and UNSW. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate subjects in the accounting discipline. Her roles at Macquarie University included Higher Degree Research Co-ordinator and Research Co-ordinator for which she won the Faculty of Business and Economics Dean’s Award for Research Leadership. Elaine is the recipient of a Vice Chancellor’s Excellence in Education Award, from Macquarie University. She has received Outstanding Reviewer and Outstanding Paper Awards from international accounting and accounting education journals. She has been an invited guest editor for themed editions of Accounting Education and Accounting History journals and a plenary speaker at the British Accounting Association Education Special Interest Group Annual Conference, at the University of Essex. She was a member of the Editorial Review Board of several international accounting journals.

Dr David Baxter

Dr David Baxter was a secondary school English teacher, head of department and North West regional consultant for the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Education from 1975-1995. He then became a lecturer in English and literacy education for the University of New England until 2007 before moving to the Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) in 2007 as Associate Dean and Acting Dean in 2012. His responsibilities there included chairing the Teaching and Learning Committee and serving on Academic Board. Since retiring from ACPE in 2013, he has done consultancy work with a range of private and public higher education providers in areas such as policy development and review, TEQSA registration and course accreditation and governance reviews. He has been Chair of the PIA Learning and Teaching Committee since 2018.

Adjunct Professor Sally Robertson

Professor Sally Robinson is an experienced academic leader who most recent focus has been on learning and teaching and student engagement. She is a registered nurse who served as the Dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Sydney for a number of year and prior as Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching). She successfully led the development and accreditation of the School’s curriculum for both internal and external accreditation. Notre Dame is recognised as having one of the best nursing schools in the country.

Sally served as Chair of the University Learning and Teaching Committee and the internal accreditation committee responsible for accreditation of courses and units for all disciplines at the University. As a result of her work, Sally was awarded Senior Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy in the UK.

Sally is currently serving on Academic Boards/Counsels at a number of institutions.

Mr Mohammad Akbar

Mohammad Akbar is Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) at PIA. He has an MBA (Professional Accounting) from UTS, Australia and an MBA (Marketing) from North South University, Bangladesh.

Mohammad also works as Senior Accountant at One Tax Accounting Solutions Pty Ltd. He has considerable experience in Marketing and Sales, especially in the Entertainment, Retailing and Internet Service Provider (ISP) industries.

Mohammad is also a PhD candidate at University Malaysia Perlis.

Professor Geoff Morri

Dean Professor Geoff Morris has an extensive background in both the business world and in academia. Prior to his appointment at PIA he has spent almost 13 years in senior academic roles including Dean of Business at the University of Notre Dame and the Dean and Director of Learning & Teaching at Asia Pacific International College. Before joining academia, he had a successful business career involving senior leadership positions in public and private organisations including Sydney Water, Commonwealth Bank, HCF, Medibank Private, TAB and Australian Water Technologies. He has managed and delivered a number of large projects in Australia, Hong Kong and the Philippines. Geoff’s home discipline is economics with a bachelors degree from Sydney University. This was followed by postgraduate qualifications in management, leadership and higher education teaching.

Executive Management Committee

The authority of the Board of Directors derives from the Constitution of Polytechnic Institute Australia Pty Ltd. The Board of Directors has delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PIA to manage the day-to-day operations of the organisation.

The CEO convenes the Executive Management Committee (EMC) as an advisory committee, that assists the CEO in the day-to-day running of PIA and the implementation of the PIA’s Strategic and Operational Plans.

The EMC consists of Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Compliance, Quality and Risk Manager, Registrar Dean and Marketing Manager.

Chief Executive Officer Ms Alessia Calabrese ceo@pia.edu.au

Chief Operating Officer Mr Amanjot Singh coo@pia.edu.au

Dean dean@pia.edu.au

Registrar registrar@pia.edu.au

Compliance, Quality and Risk Manager Dr David Morgan compliance@pia.edu.au

Marketing Manager Mr Sunny Singh marketing@pia.edu.au