Polytechnic Institute Australia

About PIA

Polytechnic Institute Australia

Founded in 2010, Polytechnic Institute Australia is an accredited independent provider of higher education business and networking qualifications with a focus on applied learning and outcomes for students. PIA prepares students to enter the workforce with a conceptual and applied understanding of business, practical and problem solving skills to skills to prepare and give a solid foundation to their future career(s).


Our Degrees

Polytechnic Institute Australia provides superior business and ICT courses. You can undertake a Bachelor of Business that specialises in Accounting or Marketing, a Diploma of Business.
The Bachelor of Business is the generalist degree of our age, opening job opportunities in a wide range of businesses, all around the world. Young people with business degrees get work in almost every industry, improving the businesses and advancing their own careers.
The courses at Polytechnic Institute Australia prepare students with the skills they need to overcome today’s business and ICT challenges, and to get ahead professionally.


PIA is dedicated to the ideals of education and community service. The Institute endeavours to educate professionals to the highest standards; create and disseminate knowledge; foster students’ life-long learning skills; and engage with our communities. To achieve these goals, PIA will become a student-preferred and service-oriented provider of high-quality higher education programs.


Polytechnic Institute Australia seeks to be a superior higher education institution. The Institute is committed to providing high quality, student-focused higher education programs, initially by offering bachelor programs in Business, Accounting, Marketing and Telecommunications. The Institute seeks to equip its students with a well-founded and comprehensive knowledge base and a set of analytical skills that prepare them for ethical and productive professional careers.

To achieve these goals, the Institute shall perform the following functions:

  • confer degrees and award diplomas, certificates and other awards to qualified students in accordance with its rules and regulations;
  • provide facilities for teaching and learning of a standard appropriate to allow the delivery of superior higher education courses;
  • promote free intellectual inquiry and research among its teachers and students;
  • provide courses of study or instruction in a range of fields, to meet the needs of the community while paying particular attention to new and emerging fields of study;
  • actively pursue collaborative relationships with other institutions of higher learning nationally and internationally for the benefit of its students;
  • develop governance and procedural rules, admission policies, financial arrangements and quality assurance processes that are underpinned by the values and goals that ensure the integrity and quality of the Institution’s academic programs; and perform such other related activities as may be directed by the Board in accordance with the Constitution to promote the academic objectives of the Institute.
  • Polytechnic Institute Australia will revise its mission statement as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors (“the Board”) to ensure that the Institute’s educational focus will be maintained and are endorsed by its broader stakeholders including students, alumni, industry partners and professional institutions.


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”45″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 1″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To provide the highest quality teaching and learning


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”45″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 2″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To optimise the student experience


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 3″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To employ best practice in governance and administration


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”43″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 4″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To promote scholarship among academic staff


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”45″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 5″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To value and reward all staff


[stm_icon_box hover_pos=”top” link_color_style=”dark” icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_handshake” icon_size=”45″ icon_color=”#fdfd96″ title=”Strategic Priority 6″ box_bg_color=”#eaeaea” box_text_color=”#212121″]

To foster the sustainability and viability of our business
